2018 Do Something About Antibiotics Challenge™
Sponsorship Opportunities
Do Something Challenge™ Overview
Each November, as part of our Do Something About Antibiotics Challenge™, we team up with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) to encourage students to do something about superbugs and the growing antibiotic crisis. This coincides with the CDC’s Annual Antibiotic Awareness Week and global activities from other stakeholders. Our Challenge asks students participating in the Small World Initiative® (SWI) to take action to help raise awareness of the antibiotic crisis and get people to act. Even though the United Nations calls this crisis “the greatest and most urgent global risk,” most people do not know what it is, let alone what they can do to solve it. Our Challenge leverages the creativity and ingenuity of students from around the world to help solve this public health emergency. Entries are judged based on depth and reach of impact, and winning teams receive prize packages from the CDC and NIH. To view past entries, please visit www.smallworldinitiative.org/do-something-challenge/.
STEM Discovery Sponsor – $20,000
- Sponsor’s logo/name included just under Challenge Title
- Press release issued highlighting the sponsor
- Sponsor’s logo/name prominently displayed
- Full-page feature/advertisement attached to email launch of Challenge
- Keynote talk featured on SWI website during the Challenge
- All benefits below
STEM Principal Investigator – $10,000
- Sponsor’s logo/name on three SWI newsletters sent out to all SWI community and in SWI emails sent during the month of November
- Dedicated e-blast to SWI community in US and abroad highlighting high-level sponsors
- Sponsor’s logo/name printed on front of Challenge printed materials
- Recognition during SWI announcement of awards online
- Half-page feature/advertisement attached to email launch of Challenge
- All other benefits below
STEM Researcher – $5,000
- Sponsor’s logo/name printed on back of Challenge printed materials
- 500-character feature/advertisement attached to email launch of Challenge
- Sponsor’s logo/name on all promotional materials, including e-blasts
- All other benefits below
STEM Innovator – $2,500
- Sponsor’s logo/name printed inside of Challenge printed materials
- 200-character feature/advertisement attached to email launch of Challenge
- Promotional materials included in prize packages to Challenge winners
- All other benefits below
STEM Champion – $1,000
- Sponsor’s logo/name and information on SWI website and in one e-blast
- All other benefits below
STEM Friend – $500
- Sponsor’s logo/name included in Challenge printed materials
Please submit payment to be listed in the online and print materials no later than October 15, 2018.
Payments can be made via a check paid to "Small World Initiative, Inc." and mailed to our headquarters: Attn: Erika Kurt, Small World Initiative, 301 W 57th St, #45D, New York, NY 10019.
Credit card payment is also accepted online through the Sponsor link below or by calling 347-762-4818.
What is the Small World Initiative®?
The Small World Initiative® (SWI) is an innovative program that inspires and retains students in the sciences while addressing one of the most pressing global health challenges of our century – the diminishing supply of effective antibiotics. SWI centers around an introductory biology course in which students perform hands-on field and laboratory research on soil samples in the hunt for new antibiotics. Over just five years, SWI has grown rapidly to include nearly 300 participating undergraduate institutions and high schools in 41 states and 14 countries. In studies, our course has been shown to improve grades and increase confidence and performance, especially among women and minorities, and follows evidence-based recommendations from National Science Foundation (NAS), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Students have the opportunity to win scientific awards and present their original research at our Annual Symposium. For more information, please contact our Chief Development & Programs Officer, Elizabeth A. Hart, at (214) 695-6293 or through our Contact Us page.
*The Small World Initiative is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity and has been organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes. Donations to the Small World Initiative are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Employer Identification Number / Tax ID: 81-1772308. Registered Name: Small World Initiative, Inc.